Tips bikin status FB agar banyak di-like dan di comment

Pasti senang dan puas kan rasanya kalo bikin status FB trus banyak yang nge-like atau komen? Yupz entah knapa tapi semua facebookers pasti puas kalo statusnya di like n di komen banyak orang,bahkan ada beberapa orang sampe menyuruh teman2nya untuk dengan sengaja me-like atau kasi komen di status terbarunya.Di posting kali ini saya akan coba bahasa cara2 atau tips agar status FB kita bisa mendapatkan banyak thumb dan komen.hehehe
Sebenarnya emang tidak ada ilmu pasti untuk membuat supaya status FB kita banyak yang komen mengingat status itu adalah berupa isi suatu pemikiran atau perasaan maka bila ada yang sependapat atau suka dengan status kita maka orang tersebut biasanya akan memberi tanggapan bisa berupa comment atau memberi jempol.Ok berikut adalah tips2 yang bisa saya kasih agar status anda di-like n di komen banyak orang secara alami tanpa harus dengan sengaja menyuruh orang lain untu kasih thumb ati komen hehehe .lets cekidot . . .

1.Tulislah status yang baik dan berkelas :D
Semua orang pasti akan suka bila status kita baik dan berkelas,untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat tips menulis status FB yang baik

2.Waktu update status
Mungkin banyak orang yang ga sadar akan hal berikut,percaya nggak percaya waktu kita menulis dan mengupdate status dapat mempengaruhi comment dan jempol yang kita dapet.Menurut penelitian yang saya lakukan dengan kurang teliti (ckckck :D) waktu yang paling baik untuk mengupdate status supaya dapet banyak komen n thumb adalah sekitar pukul 18.00-20.00.Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi setiap mengupdate status di jam tersebut pasti akan banyak mendapatkan respon,hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena pada jam2 tsb adalah waktu di mana banyak facebookers yang  OL.Di jam segituan biasanya para pelajar dan mahasiswa sebagaian besar udah sante2 di kamar,om dan tante kantoran juga udah pada pulang ke rumah :D jadi apabila kita update status sudah pasti akan banyak yang baca dan kasi respon.Sekarang kita kasi pembuktian terbalik,coba aja update status jam 3 pagi,udah pasti di jamin suram gan,sepi tanpa komen dan thumb (ckckck :D)

3.Kuantitas dan kualitas teman yang kita miliki :D
Kuantitas dan kualitas di sini yang saya maksud adalah jumlah orang pada friendlist kita dan juga kedekatan kita dengan orang2 tersebut.Jangan pernah berharap status kita akan mendapat banyak respon kalo jumlah friend kita aja ga sampe cepek,gak ada gunanya juga kalo kita punya friend sebanyak 3ribu tapi bener2 kenal ma kita cuma 50 orang,itu yang saya maksud.

4.Keaktifan kita merespon status orang lain
Seperti halnya di kehidupan sehari-hari,relasi kita di dunia maya juga seakan terdapat suatu hubungan timbal balik.Jika ingin status kita di respon banyak orang maka sebelumnya kita juga harus aktif ngasih komen ato jempol ke status orang lain dengan begitu kemungkinan besar orang2 tersebut akan kembali memberi respon ke status2 kita.Khusus point nomor 4 ini bisa saya bilang adalah tips yang vital atau paling manjur supaya status kita laku di pasaran :D

5.Tema dan isi Status
Tema atau isi yang digunakan dalam menulis status bisa di bilang sangat mempengaruhi.Sejauh ini berdasarkan pengamatan saya status yang laku biasanya adalah status yang mengandung unsur humor atau kata-kata mutiara yang bermakna.Selain itu topic hot juga bisa di jadikan tema untuk membuat status yang supaya laku,misalnya ketika timnas Indonesia tampil gemilang di piala Asia maka kita bisa menulis status dengan tema tersebut sesuai kreatifitas kita masing2.hehehe

Yupz cukup sekian tips yang bisa saya berikan dalam posting kali ini.Tipa2 di atas adalah asli hasil pengamatan saya jadi apabila ada yang kurang sesuai dengan hati dan pikiran anda itu sangat mungkin terjadi. :D

Tips Menulis Status Facebook Yang Baik 

              Mengupdate status di facebook merupakan hal yang mungkin udah jadi kebutuhan sehari-hari bagi para facebookers di seluruh dunia,Seperti halnya makan n minum yang kita lakukan bila kita lapar dan haus,update status FB juga slalu dilakukan setiap saat sesuai keinginan,apalagi update status FB kini dpat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara yang mudah tanpa harus OL langsung melalui PC.
              Di posting ini akan saya bahas cara atau tips untuk bikin status yang baik versi diri saya sendiri (wkwkwkwk :D).Dengan status yang baik tentu akan mendatangkan thumb dan komen2 yang banyak,paling seneng kan kalo nulis status banyak yang nge-like n komen?? :D.
              Saya sendiri beberapa waktu lalu sering denger orang2 yang pada ribut gara2 status di FB,mulai dari cewek ma cowoknya,adik dengan kakaknya,seseorang dengan sohibnya,bahkan orangtua dengan anaknya,sangat di sayangkan bukan? Hanya karena sebuah status semua jadi berantakan -_- “. Emang sebenernya nulis status apapun itu adalah hak asasi setiap facebookers tapi alangkah baiknya bila kita memiliki beberapa pertimbangan2 dalam menulisnya sehingga ga akan terjadi masalah hanya gara2 sebuah status FB.Oke2 kita langsung ke TKP aja,sekali lagi ini adalah tips asli versi diri saya sendiri,apabila ada yang bilang nih posting ga relevan itu hak anda sepenuhnya.hehe J

1.Tulis status dengan bahasa yang normal pada umumnya (d0N’t b3 4l4y,d0N’t b3 l3b4y :D)
Udah sepantasnya dan selayaknya kita nulis status dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar tanpa terkontaminasi dengan limbah alay dan lebay.Di sini saya tidak bermaksud memojokkan orang2 yang alay dan lebay tapi sebaiknya kita menggunakan bahasa sesuai aturan yang ada,karena hal tersebut adalah suatu bentuk usaha untuk menjaga aset bangsa yang paling berharga.hehehe :D

2.Jangan terlalu terbuka soal masalah pribadi
Ini nih yang sering bikin geger para facebookers,ketika kita memiliki masalah yang private,alangkah baiknya bila tidak menggunakannya sebagai bahan untuk update status.Saya sering liat beberapa orang yang sampe bertengkar di FB gara2 sebuah status,emang sih itu sah2 aja,but come on guys don’t you feel so stupid to let other people knows your privacy? :D.Apabila kita sedang ada masalah dengan orang di sekitar kita,dengan pacar misalnya,akan lebih baik jika kita mencurahkan masalah kita kepada orang yang kita percayai,bukannya pada status di FB.Tapi sayangnya sejauh ini yang saya liat banyak orang yang lebih suka mencurahkan isi hatinya ke dalam sebuah status,alhasil terjadilah keributan di mana mana.

3.Jangan mengupdate status yang terlalu vulgar atau mengadung unsur SARA
Khusus point yang ini kyaknya ga perlu di jelasin lagi deh,No SARA and everything will be ok ^_^ V .LOVE PEACE

4.Tulis status dengan netral dan tidak mengandung unsur adu domba
Netral di sini maksudnya tidak menyinggung atau mengadu domba pihak manapun.Masih ingat dengan kasus seorang warga yang di tangkap pihak berwajib gara2 statusnya di anggap mengadu domba 2 instansi pemerintah terkait penanganan korupsi di negeri ini?yups status FB juga dapat mengirim kita ke dalam sel tahan.

5.Tulis status yang lucu atau bermakna (optional :D)
Yupz buat tips no.5 nih merupakan tips optional.ckckck
Anda tentu senang dengan status yang bersifat menghibur atau memberi kita pemahaman2 baru tentang kehidupan.Status2 yang seperti ini biasanya berupa kata mutiara atau kutipan kata dari para tokoh terkenal.
OK,cukup sekian posting saya kali ini.Semoga bermanfaat buat anda semua yang membacanya.Apabila ada yang merasa tersinggung dengan posting ini saya mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya :) :)

Author : YohanesJati

Blackberry Storm 3: The Gadget Will Soon Storm in Your Life

The brand is planning to add a new name in this series that is the Blackberry Storm 3. This gadget will be soon launched in the market through various BlackberryStorm3 deals. You will be able to get the handset with the leading network providers of the UK. Through these deals the customer will be able to get the gadget at cheap rates.
Like the other Blackberry Storm mobile phones the Storm 3 also has a lush screen, it has a 3.7 inches TFT capacitive touch screen that features Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate, Optical trackpad, Touch-sensitive controls and Proximity sensor for auto turn-off that enhances the functionality of the gadget. The handset has a huge internal memory of 8 GB that is coupled with 512 MB RAM and the external memory slot supports a memory space of up to 32GB that gives you ample space to store all your data and file.
The Blackberry deals also has an integrated 5MP camera that is an absolute delight for those who like photography. The gadget has music player, preloaded games that keeps the user entertained and the HTML browser keeps you updated with the latest happenings.The gadget also has many useful applications like the Document editor with the help of which the user can edit files that are in Word, Excel, Power Point and PDF format. You can also download many more applications from the internet.
As soon as the mobile phone is launched in the market there will be various Blackberry Storm2 deals launched in the market. If you want the best value for your money then you must go for the Blackberry Storm 3 contracts. Through these deals you can get free gifts and incentives and even the gadget for free. Compare these deals and get the best one that fits your budget.
Matthew Christian is an expert author of Telecommunication industry and contributes his valuable thoughts for telecom industry readers. Get Latest Updates On Blackberry Storm 3 and Other Offers related Blackberry Storm 2 in UK

Author : Matthew Christian

Internet Hotspot Systems - How to Create a Public Internet WiFi System

Growing Internet WiFi Market
Public Internet WiFi or Hotspots are a very common sight that we can usually find in many public areas or places that require customers to use the Internet. More and more people and places around the world have access to the Internet. It is obvious that the Internet and access to the internet will keep on growing and will continue to be an important part in our everyday lives.

Steps to Setup a Hotspot
There are several steps to consider when creating an Internet WiFi or Hotspot. I will explain simple steps to create a public hotspot.
First and foremost is to determine your location. If you are intending to create a public hotspot you probably already have a place in mind. Your place of choice maybe a hotel, cafe, or any other public place the important thing is it is a place where people need Internet access.
Secondly is the Internet connection itself. You need to have an Internet connection in order to share or sell it to your customers. Find a local ISP for Internet connection deals and coverage.
Third is the hardware to share the Internet, typically you need a modem (from your ISP or your own) for the Internet connection. Also you would need a wireless router to share your Internet connection, there are many types of hardware with different capabilities to consider when choosing a router. Find the one that is most suitable for your needs.

Hotspot Types
After you have all the physical requirements to create a public Internet WiFi, the next step is that you need to decide if you want to charge for your hotspot or make it free. Typically places that would charge for Internet WiFi usage are hotels, camping grounds, harbors and business conferences. Places that often offer free Internet WiFi are Cafés, restaurants, waiting rooms, and other public areas.
There are also two types of hotspots that you can create. The first one is a non-manage Hotspot system that you can create straight away using your wireless router. The second one is a managed hotspot system, with this system you have to connect your wireless router to a hotspot service that allows you to manage your hotspot.

Non-managed Hotspot
If you are going to create a Hotspot without a managed system you can setup your wireless router with WPA2 security password for customers to join your WiFi network to access the Internet.
There are advantages and disadvantages of non-managed Hotspot. The advantages of non-managed WiFi systems are: Fast and Easy access also minimal maintenance and configuration. The Disadvantages of non-managed Hotspot systems are: less secure, simultaneous use (with one password many people can access the hotspot), vulnerable to bandwidth abusers.

Managed Hotspot
The other option is to have a managed Hotspot System. The requirements are the same as before but using a managed system you must do several more steps to modify your wireless router to configure the connection to the managed hotspot service. There are many managed Hotspot billing system providers out there, choose the one that best suites your need. Benefits of having a managed Internet WiFi system is that you can manage individual users, you can control how much time or bandwidth usage an individual user can consume. You can also have your own splash page before a user connects to promote your Hotspot, users can even pay using a credit card to access the Hotspot.

Those are some simple steps and examples of what you need to do to create an Internet WiFi system. Remember when creating your own public Internet access to consider your needs and requirements that is the right fit for your business.

Author : Pandu Hartanto

Fix Windows Registry Free

Not all computer users understand the importance of fix windows registry; some even don't know what registry is. Generally speaking, windows registry is the place where all information related to your hardware and software stored. It comprises the operating system that running in your computer and the application software you have, the preferences that you have set.
With everyday use of PC, more and more data will be stored in the registry, causing the PC performance poorer and poorer. This is due to the frequent operations of Windows system which lead to the expansion of the registry and the intolerably slow speed of PC.
You may first try to fix registry errors by hand, but this is almost an impossible task because it is a dangerous proposition. A single mistake will break down your computer. Thus you need a registry repair tool to automatically repair PC registry. Windows XP Registry Cleanup is highly recommended by 95% computer users.
However, rewriting or editing registry is not suggested to those who can not expertly edit or rewrite it because once something wrong appears in the registry edit, serious problems such as system crash or deadlock will disturb you. In order to avoid the above situation, an excellent registry cleaner is highly recommended.
As a professional and practiced PC cleaner, it can identify and fix registry errors efficiently even if you are a green hand. It can repair and optimize registry easier and faster. What will take hours can be fulfilled in several minutes with the best cleaner.
How does this registry cleaner improve your PC performance?
It can fulfill a quick and complete scan of your computer and list all PC errors. Then one click will free you from all the errors. Besides, it can delete the junk files and temp files without recovery and manage all the startup programs to speed up pc start. Registry cleaner download now and enjoy the high speed of your computer easily.

10 Ways To Speedup Your Internet Speed

Clear browsing cookies- If you are continuously using your Internet browser it accumulates cookies (though they also help to speedup browser in a way that these are a kind of cache in the PC while browsing the same web pages again). However a huge amount of cookies can cause slow PC or slow Internet connection. So once in a fortnight you may remove them to keep your browser fit and burden free.

Clear browsing history-: If you use your Internet browser for many days or sometime even for a month (this happens with most of the PC users) all the history (the urls and websites you have visited) they all get stored in your browser’s history (Actually in your PC somewhere in a folder.). These files may also cause slow PC and in result you may experience slow PC and poor Internet connection issue.

Use updated browser always-: Using an older browser may also create slow Internet connection speed sometime. There are many websites that do not open just due to enhanced features and changes of new technology (Silver light in IE versions). For an instances people using Internet explorer 6 may experience not opening issue of many new websites or if opens it is very slow. Old browsers take also greater time to synchronize with new enhanced features and takes huge amount of memory and CPU usage. Sometime due to this one may experience entire Slow PC issue. So try updating your browser and keep it updated always.

Use any good antivirus and anti Spyware program to remove any infection from your PC- This is one of the most prominent reasons behind all PC’s performance and speed and causes may problems in PCs, that is a Virus, Malware or Adware entry in your computer. Any infection in your PC such as Virus, Malware or Adware entries present in the system affect entire PC’s speed and it causes a Slow PC, poor performing and of course slow browsing as well.

Check your firewall-: Firewalls are good to protect your PC and data and very useful from system’s security point of view. It certainly stops and do not let any suspicious or harmful entry into your computer. However sometime few firewalls may convert your computer into a Slow PC. It hinders many system processes as well and takes a long while to check all the processes are going on even in the background. You may check the status of your firewall in case you feel if it’s resisting you from a fast and speedy internet connection and configure your firewall setting manually so that it will be a safer way either ways.

Uninstall unused programs from your PC-: Though this point counts in slow PC issue but it has equal relation with slow internet browsing speed.

Perform a System Restore if needed- If you are experiencing slow PC or slow browsing issue recently and it was fine before I would suggest you go straightway to perform System Restore so that any changes made to the PC can be reverted and system will come in the previous state where it was working well.

Test your Internet connection with any reliable speed tester website-: Test your Internet connection with the help of any good speed testing website because it is possible that your browser or there is no slow PC issue in your computer but it is the speed from your ISP end that is not high.

Change your existing browser in case it does freeze or does not work-: Changing browser is also one of the options if slow Internet persists. Personally I would suggest for Google’s new browser Google Chrome; it is faster than any other browser currently available in the market.

Remove temporary Internet files in a regular interval-: Temporary Internet files not only can cause slow browsing issue but it may also create slow PC issue as we. Removing them is advisable after a certain interval.

Contact your ISP if any of the above steps don’t work-: In case there is a cap (a sort of restriction from your ISP’s end) has been put from your ISP’s end it may also reduce your Internet connection speed and slow PC or slow connection issue can be occurred. In this case you may contact to your Internet service provider.
By: Mileycooper

How To Build A Virtual Team For Your Online Business

If you run an online business, you will soon discover that it requires work, especially if you want to succeed, which goes against the popular idea that you can kick back on a beach somewhere and watch thousands of dollars roll into your account. However, the topmost Internet marketers and entrepreneurs have been able to build their businesses from scratch and are earning a six figure income online by simply creating their virtual teams, which handle their work. Due to low costs, you will find that having access to your very one team of remote workers will take your business to the next level by allowing you to scale up your sales and lead generation.

There is much to consider here, but the most important is to ensure your team is all about quality. At any times when you have a conference call, then be sure you are mindful of their time and keep all to the point. Of course you may want to make sure they write down important points, etc. How long you make the call is up to you, but it should not be an unreasonable amount of time. At the end of the call you can ask your team members to come forward with their questions, opinions, ideas and feedback. Make it clear that they can always get a hold of you by email if they need to do that. But the focus of your call should be on critical issues that need to be addressed. You may find it worth the time to make some notes about topics to be covered during the call. Time zones are vital and you should know where everyone on your team lives to ensure that meetings are established at a time when everyone can attend. You will rarely be able to build a team of people who all live in the same area or at least the same time zone, because some might be from the West Coast, some might live in Asia, while others could be on the East Coast. This is why you need to be sure of their time zone and work towards establishing a time that's okay for everyone when you're aiming at holding any kind of meetings. When you set up your own virtual team, you need to accept and respect the fact that the people on your team will be from all over the world.

Last but not least, you will need to create a vision to ensure that you are getting results from your team. It will be difficult for them to complete all your tasks until you share your vision with them. You must make your team see the same future as you and ensure they believe in your goals. Due to the fact that it's a virtual team, it is even more important for you to tell them of your vision and to help them understand what your ultimate goal is for your business. Your team will then be able to offer up their own ideas and targeted input to improve your vision. Besides that, nobody would be interested to work long term with a company that lacks vision; so giving them a strong vision will also help them stay motivated towards the main goal.

You will find that your team can perform well if it rests on solid ground. The more you do to contribute to the success of your team will do the same for your business.

By: Rob Selaney

A Entire Goldmine In Cityville Businesses

CityVille is Zynga's newest online game and it might prove to be the one by the biggest following so far. The inclusion of a slightly additional complicated, in-depth business model may entice and maintain much more mature players in the game. All of the usual Zynga features are present in CityVille : energy expenditure, social networking, real world dollars and leveling up by means of gaining XP.
While there are lots of ways to collect coins from the many ventures in CityVille, your focus ought to often be on your own businesses. This really is plainly because of the Energy expenditure involved. As in all Zynga game titles, just about each activity you take on costs you Energy. Considering Energy normally requires an extended time to get replenished, it is best to maximize each and every unit of Energy used.

In case you receive rent from houses, or finish tasks in your friends' cities, all you receive will be the standard Experience and coin payouts. Whenever you engage in resupplying and gathering coins out of your businesses, it boosts your gaining ability for the future, far more than every other sort of collection. By resupplying your businesses, you get the Experience bonus, gather the coins generated from sales profits and guarantee you can unload your Products.

Supplying your businesses with Products saves you coins. Whenever you trade your items buy selling them to friends, it will take a set time to finish the transaction, due to the delivery delay. Delivery goods also costs you coins. In case you don't tend to your businesses, you will want to build an increasing number of storage units for your Goods. Not only do storage establishments cost a lot of coins to build, they in addition take up precious space on your city grid.

Preserve your businesses nicely stocked and acquire from them like clockwork. It is specially substantial in case you level up and begin running multiple franchises in many cities. The coin earning potential is extraordinary, as long as you've the groundwork covered.

It is a pretty normal apply for manufacturers like Zynga to provide out new social connect games, and writers of guides to funds in on the buzz.  In reality, there are typically guides available inside a few weeks of new video games becoming launched, and the Cityville Secrets and techniques guide is no different.  One has to wonder, nonetheless, regardless of whether it type of manual is the real matter, or a scam.  I looked at it out.

Created By a Pro Gamer

The first issue I found about Cityville Secrets was which it has been published by a pro gamer, who spends all his time playing video games.  That on your own is enough to set my thoughts considerably at rest, because in contrast to instructions written by average players, the Cityville Secrets manual has been designed by someone who helps make a residing from being the best.

Cash Again Full money back guarantee

Cityville Secrets and techniques is not the cheapest manual on the web, but being priced at beneath $30, it is additionally not the a lot expensive.  Which does generate all the variation is which there is a money again full money back guarantee on it.  It implies that if you buy it, and do not like it, or do not think it is really worth your investment, you can get a well-rounded refund.  That surely indicates, to me at least, that the Cityville Secrets and techniques manual is undoubtedly not a rip-off.

By: Jessi Clemens

Samsung luncurkan gadget penerjemah bahasa

Bisa berbicara dalam berbagai bahasa emang mengasyikkan bagi setiap orang,masalahnya kini untuk bisa memahami dan mengerti bahasa di seluruh dunia yang jumlahnya ribuan bukanlah hal mungkin untuk dilakukan otak manusia yang sangat terbatas,deng dong :((.
Namun rasa pesimis tersebut sebaiknya kita hilangkan sekarang juga,karena seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi di dunia ini maka berbagai permasalahan di dunia ini dapat di atasi huehehehe :D
Yupz baru2 ini samsung telah meluncurkan gadget canggih terbarunya yaitu Samsung Real translator.Gadget canggih yang baru saja di rilis ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengubah suara menjadi teks yang kemudian teks tersebut di konversi atau di terjemahkan ke bahasa yang lain sesuai dengan keinginan kita.wihh hebat kan ... :).Pada gadget satu ini di digunakan layar AMOLED yang berbentuk transparan dan terbagi menjadi 2 bagian.Bagian pertama dari layarnya di pakai untuk menuliskan audio yang diubah menjadi teks dan kemudian layar yang stunya lagi digunakan untuk menampilkan hasil terjemahan bahasa dari teks di layar pertama,hmm canggih bukan.
Dengan adanya gadget satu ini membuat kita dapat memahami orang lain di sekitar kita yang berbicara dengan berbagai bahasa.Yah meski hasil terjemahannya tidak dapat akurat 100% namun paling tidajk dengan alat ini kita dapat mengerti inti dan garis besar dari kalimat yang di ucapkan seseorang dengan bahasa lain. :)

Source :

Cara Menghemat Baterai Android

Cara Menghemat Baterai Android. Dapatkan tips bagaimana cara menghemat battery android milik Anda. Melalu tips ini, baterai android Anda akan tahan lama, sehingga akan merasa nyaman ketika sedang dalam perjalanan.
Baterai Android Boros? Sebenarnya hal ini wajar karena pada sistem operasi Android banyak aplikasi yang berjalan tanpa kita sadari. Sebut saja notifikasi  email masuk, notifikasi facebook atau twitter yang update secara real time, automatic update aplikasi yang telah Anda instal, serta koneksi bluetooth dan wi-fi yang sering lupa anda matikan.
Games dengan grafik 3D dengan resolusi tinggi dapat pula menjadi penyebab mengapa baterai Android kita lekas drop. Namun tips cerdas yang berikut ini dapat kita coba untuk menghemat baterai android kamu.
  • Non-aktifkan fitur konektivitas bluetooth melalui menu setting > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth lalu uncheck pada opsi yang ada.
  • Non-aktifkan koneksi wi-fi yang sedang tidak anda gunakan melalu menu setting > Wireless & networks  setting> pada menu Wi-Fi lalu uncheck (jangan centang) pada kotak pilihan yang ada disebelah kanan.
  • Non-aktifkan fitur getar atau vibrate melalui menu setting > Sound  & display settings> Phone Vibrate, lalu jangan centang (uncheck) pada pilihan yang ada. Pada ponsel android Sony Ericsson Xperia X8, fungsi getar ini secara default akan berfungsi tatkala kita menyentuh papan ketik virtual.
  • Non-Aktifkan fitur GPS. Kalau saya mengaktifkan fitur ini hanya ketika ingin mengambil foto melalui kamera. Jadi saat tidak digunakan, sebaiknya matikan fungsi ini melalui menu Setting > Location & security settings> Use GPS satellites lalu uncheck pada kotak yang tersedia disebelah kanan
  • Sign out dari Facebook, email dan twitter bila tidak diperlukan. Hanya login ketika sedang diperlukan saja
  • Non-Aktifkan aplikasi yang berjalan dibelakang background. Caranya adalah dengan menginstall aplikasi Advance Task Manager. Caranya cukkup mudah, tinggal pilih aplikasi mana yang ingin anda matikan melalu pilihan tab End Task
  • Kurangi kecepatan prosesor melalui aplikasi Set CPU yang dapat anda dapatkan melalui Android Market.Melalui aplikasi ini, Anda dapat membatasi kecepatan prosesor sehingga baterai android anda akan lebih awet
Inilah tips cara menghemat baterai android yang mungkin berguna bagi anda. Big thanks to Ponsel atas rujukan yang keren ini. Saya menggunakan Sony Ericsson Xperia 8 untuk mencoba tips cara menghemat baterai android ini dan terbukti manjur.

Source :

Autocad 2011 Updates And Features

Revamped record design "AutoCAD 2010" and is feasible to be utilized for AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD 2012. Final document organize alteration was in AutoCAD 2007. The variant number is 18.0 and the inner DWG and DXF form is AC1024. It is feasible to spare to previous organizes down to R14 DWG and R12 DXF.
Starting Setup is shown the first time you begin AutoCAD 2010 and permit you to select the industry that most nearly depicts your work enjoy Architecture or Civil Engineering for instance. Hinging on your decisions the emulating could be set: the default settings of fluctuating AutoCAD purpose, incorporating drawing templates, Autodesk® Seek separates, Autodesk Developer Network mates, the Unified Online Experience entrance, and workspaces. Since you later need to gain entrance to Initial Setup it is good to go via Options>User Preferences.

How to download AutoCAD 2010: You can download AutoCAD 2010 from autodesk website are any third party website.

Requisition Menu has been adapted a part contrasted with AutoCAD 2009's Menu Browser. There is no longer access to pull-down menus from here. Some name updates have been done. Distribute summon is regarded as Batch Plot and ready via the Print menu. The Publish menu have access to Send to 3D Print Service and Archive but assuming that you click straight on the Publish menu the print order is started.

You can customize contextual ribbon tab states which control the display of ribbon tabs and panels based on either the type of object selected in the drawing window or the active command. You can display a ribbon tab that is assigned to a ribbon contextual tab state either on its own tab or with its panels merged onto each of the ribbon tabs in the current workspace. To add a ribbon tab, drag it from the Tabs node in the Customizations In pane to the contextual tab state. For example, if you want the Home tab to become active whenever you select an Arc object, drag the Home-2D ribbon tab to the Arc selected node under the Contextual Tab States. Select it and modify its display type to indicate if it should be displayed as its own tab or merged onto each ribbon tab.

Author: my software

Ipad-64Gb Wi-fi + 3g (mc497ll/a) Tablet Pc From Apple

With extended hours of power life, you will be able to use this tablet PC as you may wish all day long. The tablet PC does not weigh much when compared to additional tablet PCs in its category, we can easily express it's actually quite light. Despite the fact that it has promising equals, iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A) even now shocks me with its trendy style and everything else. I could state this exact tablet PC which we are analysing can be a nominee for the best 2010 tablet PCs.
Since Apple announced iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A) many of us have been expecting this particular time and now it's there, at last we can place our hands on completely new Apple iPad tablet PC. The ultra-modern iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A) tablet PC coming from Apple continues to amaze everybody having a perfect design, enhanced effectiveness and also remarkable mobility. I am confident that almost everyone definitely will enjoy this tablet PC because it is fantastic in every aspect. It's very exciting to obtain this particular unit due to the fact Apple used a lot of new systems on this particular tablet PC.

The touchpad is definitely a smooth one having some support for multitouch gestures. The touchpad typically is responsive with almost no lag. The touch pad buttons are uncomplicated to click when using the side of your thumb and give off a small click when pressed. They also have shallow feedback in addition to demand average force to trigger which is basically more comfortable. The keyboard set of Apple iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A) tablet PC is actually an chiclet-style version, the keys feel too great to the tips of the fingers. Personally I don't like island-style keyboards, however I have to acknowledge they appear very sleek. If you want the appear and feel of the chiclet-style keyboards, you'll be impressed when using the iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A).

The cpu used on Apple iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A) tablet PC is probably the greatest among latest cpus. Because of the modern top of the line technology used on this particular cpu you can actually run multi-tasks quite simply, naturally with the great assist of RAM that delivers torque to this monster tablet PC. The graphics processor chip used on this specific tablet PC will let you run more like lighter video games -I imply it may not work with the most recent video games- without issues. Audio system come with 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A) tablet PC seem to be slightly not too strong, nevertheless they're ideal for any tablet PC.

The machine cooling fan, although active under many circumstances, appeared to flow a lesser amount of air than required to keep the tablet PC cool under serious needs. Heat management within the Apple iPad 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G (MC497LL/A) was slightly under normal while under load.

I wouldn't say the high pixel density (the quantity of pixels for every inch of display screen) causes it to be extremely challenging to work with, it has got an ideal resolution to achieve this kind of size of display screen. In fact much better is the caliber of the screen itself. It's really a step above likewise priced tablet PCs. Wonderful details within movies and photographs are usually brought out exceptionally well, a fact additionally increased via the sharpness of the resolution with a somewhat small-scale display screen and the strong blacks. Horizontally watching perspectives are actually relatively inferior by standard standards, yet they are a lot more than constructed for by the remarkable color manufacturing and also contrast provided.

By: Gursel Batmaz

How To Protect Your Network

As the title, there may be many friends have this problem. Well, follows are 7 ways that tell you how to protect your wireless network.
1. Modify the SSID information, and prohibit the broadcast .
Turn off SSID broadcast, can be greatly reduced chance of found, specific closed method see the router configuration interface.
2. Using WPA2-PSK encrypted wireless network
Use AES of WPA2-PSK to encrypt, passwording setting as long as possible. Use uppercase and lowercase letters plus numbers plus symbol combinations, increase the difficulty of other’s crack. And set the group key update cycle in 12 to 24 hours (too short can cause the wireless connection exception), this can increase the difficulty of deciphering the password. Note that WEP WPA encryption algorithms have been solved now, if the older network card does not support WPA2 , should try to use WPA encryption and password with uppercase and lowercase letters plus numbers plus the combination of symbols can also play the purpose of encryption.
3. Reduce the signal transmission power
Reduce the signal transmission power, wireless devices(such as wireless gateway router) can be reduced the discovery chance, through the antenna surrounded by cans, etc., this can transmit signals to directional emission, reducing the other direction signal, also can use the router comes with power regulation for Regulation (DD-WRT, TOMATO firmware also have this feature).

4. Open the MAC address filtering
Add all of your own computers to the white list MAC, and prohibit other customers to access. Also, note that the filter can not prevent 100% of net rub, MAC sent in plain text, data transmission may result in MAC intercepted, others can modify the MAC, also access.
5. Setting Channel
General routers default to channel 6, if multiple routers are made in a limited space channel 6, the signal will be very poor, users may be unable to connect to the router, so set the channel away from 6, but there are also some use 1,13,14 Channel, so these channels should be avoided, use the middle of the channel, such as :3-4,8-11. Reduce the chance of being found.
6. turn off DHCP function
Turn off DHCP function reduces the chance of being found.
7. Upgrade router firmware at regular intervals
Due to the different router brands, you can use your router manufacturer's official website to see if there is a firmware upgrade, the upgrade can fix some router security issues.

By: luna01

Daftar Band Rock yang merilis album di tahun 2011

Berikut ini bakal saya sebutin band2 rock mancanegara yang sudah pasti merilis album anyarnya di tahun 2011.Sebenernya band yang telah berencana meluncurkan album baru tahun ini mungkin jumlahnya lebih banyak daripada yang saya tuliskan disini tapi karena rata rata masih dalam proses recording dan band tersebut juga belum jelas akan meluncurkan album barunya kapan maka disini yang saya sebutin dan saya ulas adalah band yang pasti-pasti aja hehehe :D.
OK udah cukup buat mantra2 pembukanya,sekarang kita langsung ke TKP ajah.:D

1.Simple Plan
Band asal kanada yang bisa di bilang cukup terkenal di Indonesia ini diperkirakan akan merilis album terbarunya pada musim panas tahun ini.Simple plan yang terakhir kali merilis albumnya pada tahun 2008 ini terkesan sangat bersemangat dalam penggarapan album barunya kali ini,sampe2 mereka selalu mengupdate kabar terbaru tentang penggarapan album baru ini dari studio rekaman melalui media jejaring sosial  seperti FB,twitter dan myspace..Hal tersebut tentu membuat para fans menjadi sangat penasaran dan tidak bersabar dengan album baru yang diproduseri oleh Brian Howes ini,bahkan pada tanggal 12 februari kemaren SP telah membocorkan sedikit material di album barunya berupa peview 30 detik lagu you suck at love,bagi yang pengen dengerin bocoran tersebut bisa klik di sini

2.Sum 41
Lagi2 band rock asal kanada yang bakal meramaikan blantika musik rock dunia tahun ini,yupz sum 41.Band yang di gawangi Deryck Whibley,Tom Thacker,Jason McCaslin,Steve Jocz ini di jadwalkan akan merilis album baru mereka yang berjudul Screaming Bloody Murder pada tanggal 29 maret 2011.Produser asal negeri Ratu Elizabeth,Gil Norton telah di beri mandat untuk memproduseri album anyar mereka.Sum 41 malah udah merilis single pembuka untuk album terbarunya ini dengan judul yang sama dengan dengan judul albumnya.Bagi yang pengen dengerin single terbaru sum 41 bisa donlot melalui link di bawah

3.Avril lavigne
Oke emang kayaknya tahun ini artis2 rock kanada pada janjian mau ngluarin album anyar bareng2.wkwkwkwk
Setelah SP dan sum 41 kini giliran mantan istri vokalis sum 41 yang merilis album hehehe :).Bahkan di album avril yang baru ini mantan suaminya Deryck Whibley ikut serta di dalamnya sebagai salah satu produser bersama Butch Walker dan Max Martin,wah bisa2 CLBK tuh avril ama mantan suaminya (loh koq jadi ngegosip? J).Sebenernya avril bukan termasuk band sih tapi karena avril juga musisi yang beraliran rock maka saya memutuskan untuk memasukkannya dalam tulisan ini,jika ada yang keberatan silahkan tunjuk jari :D.
Musisi rock asal Napanee,Canada ini akan merilis Goodbye lullaby pada 8 maret 2011.Single terbaru dari album ini pun udah dirilis pada 10 januari 2011,lagu yang berjudul what the hell ini memulai debutnya dengan cukup manis dengan menduduki posisi #13 di US billboard single chart,posisi #8 di Kanada dan Australia,posisi #5 di selandia baru dan bahkan mnduduki posisi #1 di oricon chart jepang.Buat yang penasaran dengan lagu baru avril bias donlot lewat link di bawah.

4.Panic! At The Disco
Huft,setelah band2 kanada yang kini band rock amerika pun dapet giliran.Sama dengan sum 41 pada tanggal 29 maret 2011 nanti Panic! Dijadwalin melepas album barunya yang berjudul Vices & virtues.Band yang dibentuk sejak tahun 2004 ini bisa di bilang cukup gemilang di belantika amerika dengan memperoleh beberapa penghargaan di MTV award bahkan juga menjadi nominator di Grammy award 2008,wihh keren kan . . . :).Single pertama dari Vices & virtues yang bertitel the ballad of mona lisa telah di rilis pada tanggal 1 februari 2011.Bagi yang mau sedot lagu ini dipersilahkan :).

Band punk rock asal Jacksonville,Florida,US ini bakal melepas album barunya When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes pada Bulan maret 2011 melalui label barunya Hopeless Records.Band yang sempat bubar pada tahun 2008 ini mungkin anda kenal lewat lagu2 apiknya seperti Only One,Ocean Avenue dan Lights and sounds yang sempat meroket di Amerika sekitar 8 tahun lalu,wah lama juga ya :).Album yang di produseri oleh neal avron ini telah di buka dengan single pertama berjudul For You, and Your Denial,cukup aneh dan lucu ya judulnya :) penasaran kaya apa lagunya??silahkan donlot lewat tautan di bawah :).

Yellowcard For you and your denial free download

6.Rise Against
Ini dia band Hardcore yang cukup ternama di Dunia dapet giliran merilis album di tahun 2011,Rise Against.Yup band yang dibentuk sejak tahun 1999 ini bakal merilis album mereka yang ke-6 dengan titel Endgame,judul yang sama dengan judul album Megadeth tahun 2009 (musisi rock emang kurang kreatif kliatannya :D).Album yang di produseri oleh Jason Livermore dan Bill Stevensson ini dijadwalkan akan rilis pada 15 maret 2011 dengan berisi 13 track.Single dari album ini yang berjudul Help is on the way telah dirilis pada tanggal 25 januari kemaren,lagu baru mereka ini manteb banget n ga boleh dilewatin,silahkan di donlot lewat link di bawah

Buat sementara ini cukup 6 band di atas yang dapat saya informasikan akan merilis album di tahun ini,mungkin ada band rock manca yang lain yang akan merilis album di tahun 2011 dan belom sempat saya ulas pada daftar di atas hehehehe.Kalo entar ada update info lagi bakal saya posting dib log ini secepat yang saya bisa.hehe  :D :D

Author : YohanesJati

Eight,Album baru do as infinity setelah 12 tahun berkarir

Buat para penggemar j-pop udah pasti ga bakalan merasa asing dengan band yang satu ini.Yups Do As Infinity ato biasa di sebut D-A-I adalah salah satu band yang terkenal dan sukses di jepang,Lagu2nya yang emang bagus sering di pake sebagai soundtrack berbagai film di jepang baik Manga maupun dorama,mungkin bisa kamu ketahui dari lagu2nya yang hits banget dampe di Indonesia kayak fukaimori yang jadi soundtracknya inuyasha,Tangerine dream OST MVP valentine.
Band pernah bubar pada tahun 2006 dan balikan lagi pada tahun 2008 ini(kayak orang pacaran aja nih putus nyambung. :D) sekarang telah 12 tahun berkiprah di blantika musik negeri Naruto eh maksudnya negeri Sakura.Pada tanggal 19 januari 2011 kemaren DAI telah merilis album barunya yang berjudul eight.Album ini merupakan album kedelapan mereka setelah tujuh album sebelumnya bisa di bilang sukses di pasaran.Saya memang bukan seorang musisi handal maupun pe-review top soal musik,tapi menurut saya album ini bisa di bilang bagus dan cukup mengobati kerinduan saya dengan lagu-lagu indah DAI bila dibanding dengan album sebelumnya,eternal flame.Lagu lagu di album ini bisa di bilang seperti mengembalikan DAI pada jalur mereka seperti sedia kala meskipun kini tidak ada lagi Dai nagao yang merupakan hitsmaker dalam DAI.Lagu-lagu cacthcy di album ini seperti Special,babybabybaby,fly to the freedom asik banget buat di dengerin dan bikin kita merasa bernostalgia dengan lagu lagu DAI yang cacthy di album deep forest.Di album ini juga ada lagu2 mellow (ini nih selera orang indonesia banget. :D) yang nikmat banget buat mengantar tidur maupun menemani saat2 sepi seperti lagu hand in hand,1/100,dear memories.Sayangnya di album yang berisikan 12 track ini ada lagu yang lawas yang udah pernah keluar sebagai single DAI seperti lagu Jidaishin,kimi ga inai mirai,everything will be alright  yang di masukin lagi ke dalam album anyar ini,sebenernya sah sah aja sih masukin lagu lawas ke dalam album baru tapi hal tersebut bikin DAI terkesan kurang maksimal di album ini.
Yeah at all menurut saya album ini bisa di bilang bagus dengan konsep seperti album Do As infinity yang dulu dulu.Dari skala 0-10 saya kasih nilai 7,5 buat album ini.
Tracklist :
1.     "Baby! Baby! Baby!"
2.     "Special" 
3.     "1/100"
4.     "Hand in Hand" 
5.     "Wonderful Life"
6.     "Boku ga Egaiteta Boku"
7.     "Jidaishin"
8.     "Everything Will Be All Right"
9.     "Fly to the Freedom"
10.     "Dear Memories"
11.     "1176 Jikan" (1176時間 1176 Hours)
12.     "Kimi ga Inai Mirai"

Do As Infinity - eight Free Download

Author : YohanesJati

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